
Juicy Wiggle

Oh yeah, I have a blog... geeze.

I Can See It In Your Face

Just found these 3D Futurama things. They definitely do it justice.

Ride My Tempo

So. I have yet another new toy. Granted, this is my first real toy toy.
I didn't even really want it, like want want it.

Honey Dove

Gah. Unenthused sarlok is unenthused.
Warning: This post may have no meaning beyond providing a brief interlude to my current lapse of boredom.


I've toyed with buliding a dedicated SSH client box at the office off and on, in hopes that every time my Windows box crashes, or re-activates and runs automatic updates, I don't have to re-login to a

Whatever Clever

Already up to 28.5 hours this week. Not bad for someone that works 7hr days and doesn't work overtime anymore.

Stand Tall

Two posts in one day. Wow... making up for lost time I guess.
Now that the spontaneous-ness of my last post has been dealt with, today was a Monday as per usual.

Cup Of Coffee

"zomg! getting ssh bruteforced! halp!"
"Here! Just add theses IP Tables rules..."

iptables -N blacklist 2>/dev/null
iptables -F blacklist


When I saw a banner for this, it was totally not what I was expecting.
It's infinitely cooler than I was expecting.

Shpongolese Spoken Here

So, trying to recompile php5 and it's related extensions from ports to include php5-gd, no_x11.

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