
Stairway to hell

Stairway to hell

50 feet or so underground making our way to the elevator shaft which will eventually lead us deeper into the missile silo complex.
I still have my sunnies on... not sure why.

Runaway rope

Runaway rope

Seemed funny at the time. Notice the empty pulley, and the rope in a pile beneath me. Bugger...
One of the equipment towers on Dragon Mountain, Quesnel, Canada.

Higher than it looks 3

Higher than it looks 3

Higher than it looks 2

Higher than it looks 2

If it looks like it's curving slightly to the left of the frame, it is. Making adjustments after the tower was damaged when vandals tore apart the guy-wires.

Me on Slide Mt

Me on Slide Mt

Slide Mountain, Wells, British Columbia. Maintenance trip late winter of 2008. I'm standing next to our equipment shed and it was a sweltering -31c at the time - which has to be said, is quite toasty for location at the time of year.

Higher than it looks 1

Higher than it looks 1

By the way, I hate heights.

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