Don't Cry

Holy good gravy. I was never expecting this to turn up in the iTunes store... but I'm not disappointed.

So I picked up a 500GB USB hard drive for various mobile data purposes. Anything not important, or not already on my IronKey will go on it.
I also have the intent to be able to boot into OpenBSD, or some flavor of Linux from it, use it to transfer source code, tarballs, Virtual Machines, etc al. to and from various devices for work and personal purposes also.
Now, the stage is set. This presented a bit of a problem owing to the platforms I deal with, some by choice, others on a because-I-have-to basis.

BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows, support FAT32, except it sucks
Linux, OS X, and Windows support exFAT, but not BSD
Linux, OS X (to some degree) and Windows support NTFS, <bias>except it sucks</bias>, and BSD doesn't
BSD, Linux, and OS X support FFS, but not Windows
Linux, OS X and Windows (the last two, only partly) support ext2/3/4, but not BSD
Linux (sortof), OS X, and Windows (sortof) support HFS Plus, but not BSD
I could go on... but long story short, there's no perfect fit.

Sooo... I wound up with:

  • 200GB ext2 partition
  • 100GB FFS partition
  • 200GB FAT32 partition

That way I have at least some space for everyone to play nice to some degree, and still do what I intend.
I'm curious to know if anyone out there has any better ideas here.