Spreadin' Rhythm Around

Got back into town from Tabor yesterday by 5:15pm.
We blew an hour and a half chaining the van, and then shovelling 25 yards of snow with 2-gallon tupper-ware containers. I was genuinely thankful to have had access said containers - the last time I was stuck in the middle of no-where with no shovel, my best candidate for improvisation was a 1" pipe bender. Fun!

Spent some time today cleaning up the rules and stuff on my server's firewall. Not sure why, I would have been better spent building a 4.8 flashboot image. Oh-well...
This may be of interest to someone I know, as I was feeling particularly lazy after editing a few files.
Clearly, I'm abusing the fact that I know my template's fstab mounts /flash automagically. Remember I said I was feeling lazy?

[-----e@zozu ~]# rw
[-----e@zozu ~]# cd /flash/conf/
[-----e@zozu conf]# mkdir -p usr/local/sbin
[-----e@zozu conf]# vi usr/local/sbin/safecp
# 20101121 *EB* - Copy files safely to compact flash.
/sbin/mount -uw /flash
/bin/cp $1 $2 $3
/sbin/mount -ur /flash
[-----e@zozu conf]# chmod 740 usr/local/sbin/safecp
[-----e@zozu conf]# cp -R usr/local/ /usr
[-----e@zozu conf]# ro

In other news, you're now seeing things served up from memnarch rather than scrollrack.
The htdocs and such have been shuffled over to manacrypt, the nfs store now that I'm done benching and testing it.
That said, new images in the gallery. A whopping four for now, but they were closest to the open path I had in my shell.

An upgrade for scrollrack from 4.7 to 4.8's on the horizon, shutdown httpd, et al and then we'll see what kind of state things are in.
Probably setup some sql database replication next, as well as move the database process to manacrypt also.

It's a shame that you can't get omnigraffle for windows machines. If I could use it at work instead of Visio, I would otherwise be elated.
That said, I love, and hate Omnigraffle. Simply because it's giving me a bad case of mac-itis, where none of the visio shortcuts hard-wired into my mind work. That aside, it's infinitely better.