Alas poor lighttpd, I barely knew ye...

...but then again, perhaps that was the first problem.
I barely knew it.

But I did know it was easier to dump it in favour of the stock httpd that OpenBSD runs rather than work out why php-fastcgi kept choking on who-knows-what.

Otherwise, thallid 2.0 has been ordered. Actually, it was ordered a while ago. ETA is Jun 17th (!!) which is practically a hojillion years. But that's okay. It's not like that memory leak is getting any worse...
...oh, wait.

---e@thallid:~> top -n1 | grep total
Tasks: 117 total,   1 running, 116 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Mem:   2060764k total,  2044952k used,    15812k free,   249192k buffers
Swap:  2104472k total,  1630016k used,   474456k free,   940736k cached
---e@thallid:~> uptime
  6:39pm  up 746 days  5:46,  1 user,  load average: 7.20, 7.08, 6.68

Nothing else to say really, so, toodles for now.