I wish I could remember the name of this skit

May not be 100% accurate, but it was pretty darn close. Saw the skit on Comedy Club 54 or some such thing.

Well one dalefay, i decalfided to go dulfuck hunting. so i picked up my gulfun and my bulfucket of alfamunilfition full of bullfullets and got in the calfar.
I put the killfey in the ignilfition and stallfarted the calfar. I pullfulled out of the dralfiveway and i drolfove and drolfove and drolfoved someolfore...but prillfittysilfoon i got to the lalefake. I picked up my gulfun and i walefated and i walefated, and prillfittysilfoon along came those dulfucks, "qualfack, qualfack, qualfack."
I aimed my gulfun "clilfick clilfick.....SPLALFAT" smallfart dulfuck, he knew i didnt have a bullfullet in my gulfun. So i picked up a bullfullet out of my bullfucket of alfamunilfition full of bullfullets and put it in my gulfun. I calfocked my gulfun and i walefated and i walefated, but prillfittysilfoon along came those dulfucks again, "qualfack qualfack qualfack" i aimed my gulfun "BALFANG! BALFANG!....solfun of a bilfitch i milfissed him.